
Week 7 Review: Finding Balance and Forgiving Myself

“Forgiving yourself, believing in yourself, and choosing to love yourself are the best gifts one could receive.” – Brittany Burgunder

As I wrap up Week 7 of my 90-day challenge, I’m reflecting on a week that didn’t go as planned.

When I started this challenge, I envisioned a smooth routine that would help me improve my writing and health through consistent daily habits. But this week, life had other plans for me. I had a lot on my plate that made it incredibly difficult for me to stick to the routine that I had previously established on most days. Interestingly, I found that not being able to do everything that I had planned to do wasn’t a failure. I found that it was also an opportunity to learn something even more valuable.

I missed my daily step count for four days. On Monday, I had my first speaking engagement, which was an incredible experience but one that required my complete focus and preparation. By midweek, hospital visits took up Wednesday and Thursday, and on Saturday, I was busy preparing my daughter for a party. The routine I had worked so hard to establish was completely off balance, but this disruption reminded me that life will always demand that we adjust and reprioritise. So we have to be ready to roll with the punches on any day.

But what does that mean in my real life?

As someone who loves checking off to-do lists and hitting every goal, I initially felt disappointed when my routine fell apart. But this week taught me that sometimes the most meaningful thing we can do is give ourselves grace. Life doesn’t follow a strict plan, and neither should we.

On certain days, I couldn’t stick to my usual morning routine of writing, walking, and then getting my daughter ready for school. Some mornings, I had to shuffle my priorities to focus on deadlines or family needs, and that meant I didn’t always get my steps in. I could have easily let frustration overwhelm me, but I realised that I was doing the best I could under the circumstances. And that’s enough. I mean, it just has to be enough.

This does not mean that my priorities changed from focusing on health, work, & creativity.

Not at all.

Although I didn’t walk every day, I remained connected to the challenge through writing. This week, I explored new creative forms like drabbles and sonnets, which helped me stay engaged with my goals despite the disruptions. Trying my hands on these unfamiliar styles was a refreshing way to keep my creative energy alive, and it reminded me that there are different ways to stay on track, even when things don’t go as planned.

I also took care of my health in other ways. The hospital visits were a priority, and in the grand scheme of things, they were more important than sticking to my daily step count. I learned to accept that some days, simply showing up for what truly matters is an accomplishment in itself.

So, what is my takeaway from this week?

This week taught me that I can’t do everything, all at once, all the time. No matter how driven I am.

Life will always bring unexpected responsibilities, and I am okay with stepping back and focusing on the priorities that matter most, whether that’s family, health, or once-in-a-lifetime opportunities like a speaking engagement. What’s important is learning to forgive myself for not being perfect and recognising that some things will always take precedence over others.

Our mental and emotional well-being must come before a checklist of tasks. We can make progress in a lot of ways. We shouldn’t tie our progress to checking every box on our to-do list. We should be more focused on staying grounded in what matters and being kind to ourselves when things don’t go as planned.

That’s how I’m dealing with this week’s achievements (or lack of).


So, what’s in store for week 8?

Like in week 7, I have a number of additional responsibilities scheduled for week 8 so I’ll be practicing more flexibility and grace. I’ll continue to work toward my goals, but with the understanding that life’s unpredictability will test my ability to adapt. There will be days when I don’t hit every target, but that doesn’t mean I’m not moving forward. I just have to keep forgiving myself on those days when I can’t do it all.

As this week has taught me, I will continue to forgive myself for what didn’t happen and to celebrate what did. Life is full of twists, especially the life of a working mother, but how we navigate them shapes our individual journies. So in week 8, I’ll be working on letting go of the guilt of not meeting up with all of my goals, making progress with kindness, and continuing to grow no matter what the week brings.

I hope you have an amazing new week.

P/s: If you have any questions about creating content and writing, please leave a comment below or DM me on Instagram!

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