Wardrobe essentials - lacy lingerie

Wardrobe Essentials | Lacy Lingerie

“I think lingerie plays a big part in how you carry yourself.” – Nichole Richie.

Ever looked at most stylish women, those ones who never seem to ever have a bad wardrobe/hair/makeup day and wondered how they always get it right? Notice anything interesting? I have – they all have some pieces of wardrobe essentials in common. Why? My guess: these essentials make the difference between a regular wardrobe and a stylish wardrobe. So, I have begun a series called ‘Wardrobe Essentials’ to highlight my findings of the different fashion/style pieces that will take your style journey, no matter what stage it is at, to a 💯. This is the first instalment of my ‘Wardrobe Essentials’ series.

Never underestimate the influence of wardrobe essentials. I am big on dressing to LOOK good. But I also know the importance of dressing to FEEL good. And those 2 things, combined with dressing to FEEL comfortable, make up part of my style principle. As conservative as I am with my fashion choices, I know that there are certain outfits that require the sexy touch of lacy lingerie like a black bra peeking out from underneath it. Black camisoles, under a semi-sheer top, like this one, are necessary where you need just a little bit of self-assurance! Especially if you’ve been ill all week long.

Rae1 Wardrobe Essentials - Lacy Lingerie

A couple of weekends ago, I was invited to LuLu Lingerie’s Sip ‘n’ Shop event at the brand’s store at The Palms Mall and it was as fabulous as I had expected with an array of lingerie on display, including the recently released collection by LuLu Lingerie.

Wardrobe Essentials - Lacy Lingerie

Personally, these are my favourite types of bra. I absolutely avoid lingerie in any colours outside of black (obviously) and red, and would even rather choose a blue lingerie if given the A/B option. Other factors that determine my lingerie choice include the wiring and strap size. As always, comfort is a major factor, and luckily I can get comfort and looks all under the one with a supportive lacy lingerie, whether it’s a bra or bralette.

Wardrobe Essentials - Lacy Lingerie

My biggest issue is that lingerie in my two favourite lingerie colours (black and red) are always too beautiful to leave at the stores. I always feel the need to rescue them and end up buying more even when it’s not yet time for my regular update. It’s an absolute disaster to my budget plans!

Wardrobe Essentials - Lacy Lingerie

I have therefore permitted myself, although with budgetary caution, to try out some pieces from the LuLu Lingerie brand. Will let you know what I think about them. What are your favourite lingerie styles and brands?


“Ah Lord God! Behold, You have made the Heaven and the Earth by your great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for You.” – Jeremiah 32:17


This article was first published on my previous blog and was transfered here with only minor typographic edits.

The content provided in this article is provided for information purposes only and is not to be a substitute for professional fashion or style advice and consultation as I am not engaged in the provision or rendering of fashion or styling advice or services. You understand and agree that I will not be liable for any claim, loss, or damage arising out of the use of, or reliance upon any content or information in the article.



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