Staying Positive especially during tough times

Staying Positive | Especially During Tough Times

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” – Lyndon B. Johnson.

These are gloomy times. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. When most of us thought the precedent was appaling, it feels like every day, we hit an even lower low. A quote that resonates right now is Angela Davis’ quote, “You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time.” I love that this quote doesn’t demand optimism from us. Because many of us, especially those who have lost loved ones, can’t even pretend to be optimistic. You may have lost all faith, but it doesn’t matter. We have to keep pressing forward anyway as if a better world is possible…we have to stay positive, especially during these tough times.

Staying Positive | Especially During Tough Times

A quick look around you will reveal depressingly annoying things about the world, many of which you can’t change alone. And focusing on them will cause you more stress than you need. Having experienced the depressing effects of allowing negativity to live in and around me, I don’t mess with negative vibes. I don’t joke with the kinds of people and vibes I let come close to me. I have had crazy looks more than a couple of times when I walked away from things or people because of the way they affected me and that is not about to stop. I will continuously choose to stay positive over any sort of drama.

Staying Positive | Especially During Tough Times

I’m constantly drowning myself in positivity and inspiration daily, from the minute I wake up until my bedtime. And although some stubborn things make it through the walls I built to keep them out, I can boldly say that I have had about 99% success at this. (Please don’t ask me to calculate this, I magically arrived at that figure.)

When I feel unmotivated, I turn to my inspiring apps, podcasts, books and so much more because, no matter how strong I feel I am, I know that I constantly need some boost of positivity. It’s important to keep yourself motivated and inspired out here and these are some of my go-tos.

YouVersion Bible App:


I haven’t had time lately to read books so I didn’t include any books here. I have been listening to podcasts by people like T.D. Jakes, Joyce Meyer, and a bunch of others have been really helpful.

Staying Positive | Especially During Tough Times

These times are calling on all people of conscience to dig even deeper to maximize our collective impact. So find joy with others when you can and try your best to revel in it. Not to tune out these terrors and numb the pain, but to draw in the energy, strength, and focus you need to press forward…to stay positive. Because, even in all the sadness, we who still have life owe it to those whose lives have been lost to live our best lives.

Although many, especially those who have lost loved ones in the recent happenings may prefer to mourn in peace, I suggest that we incorporate some of the materials listed below as they helped me get through my time of grief. I hope this post helps you find some inspiration from whatever you are going through. If you have tips or resources on how you stay inspired, let me know in the comment section. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my blog for my latest posts.



This article was first published on my previous blog and was transfered here with only minor typographic edits.

The content provided in this article is provided for information purposes only as a snapshot of my personal thoughts at this particular time and is not to be a substitute for life advice and consultation as I am not engaged in the provision or rendering of psychological or philosophical advice or services. You understand and agree that I will not be liable for any claim, loss, or damage arising out of the use of, or reliance upon any content or information in the article.

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