south-eastern nigeria

My Trip To South-Eastern Nigeria And Some

“Experience, travel – these are education in themselves.” – Euripides.

2017 was an amazing year!!

With everything that went wrong, I still found time to participate (and indulge) in some great activities which I will be writing about soon. Some of my best memories of 2017 happened on trips that I took so what better way to end the year than to go on another trip? And that was what I did. This time, I packed my bags and went off to the South-Eastern part of Nigeria.

It was one of my most amazing memories of 2017 as it was the first time I was returning to that part of the country since my dad’s funeral. The trip was not as stress-free as I had thought it would be because I had decided to make the journey by road which I normally thoroughly enjoy. But my road trip was in the middle of the Christmas celebration which usually sees a large number of people on every road especially the Lagos to South-Eastern bound roads. Oh! Let’s not forget the repetitive PMS scarcity that always occurs around this period.

niger-bridge.jpg My Trip To South-Eastern Nigeria And Some

Crossing the Niger Bridge marked the official entry into the South-Eastern region of the country and I always have this calming and joyful feeling once I get on the bridge, like a mini reminder that I was home. I still had the same feeling this time although a petty thief nearly ruined that joy when he reached into our vehicle and tried to steal something from the bag of one of my unassuming travel buddies. His attempt was thankfully unsuccessful as we caught his hand before it did any damage.

I arrived at my destination, Abia State, a few minutes before midnight and dived into bed almost immediately after I had had the laziest bath ever, thanks to my extreme level of tiredness. Anyway, my short stay was sadly not documented as my iPhone’s rare-facing camera decided to start acting up during this period. I quickly learned how difficult, and trashy, it is to take pictures that are not selfies with the front-facing camera. But I didn’t let any of that bring me down. I had so much fun, ate lots of great food, met some amazing people, and used the time to rest and prepare myself mentally and every other way for the new year.

But hey, on the bright side, we all made it into the New Year and I am beyond excited (and a little scared) about all the things I plan to achieve this year with my career, my blog, my business, and every other area of my life. Will be sharing all these plans with you so don’t miss my next post.

Have an amazing 2018!

With love…

“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” – Matthew 18:20

This article was first published in my previous blog and was transfered here with only minor typographic edits.

The content provided in this article is provided for information purposes only as a snapshot of my personal thoughts at this particular time and is not to be a substitute for life advice and consultation as I am not engaged in the provision or rendering of psychological or philosophical advice or services. You understand and agree that I will not be liable for any claim, loss, or damage arising out of the use of, or reliance upon any content or information in the article.


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