Fro-Yo Funday At Sweet Kiwi

Fro-Yo Funday At Sweet Kiwi

Close your eyes and imagine what it would feel like to be one of the first people to taste a new range of Frozen Yogurt flavours on a 31-degree sunny day. Well, stop imagining and vicariously live that imagination through me because that was what I did some Fridays ago.

IMG_3802_preview Fro-Yo Funday At Sweet Kiwi

Yes, I spent a great part of my day at the Admiralty Way store of Sweet Kiwi Yogurt with some select representatives of different Media houses, Bloggers, and YouTubers. And what a day it was?! Sweet Kiwi indulged us and gave us a treat with the new variety of their deliciously healthy frozen yoghurt flavours such as the New Original Tart, T’challa, Black Panther, Agbalumo and so many others.

Not one to dull in the middle of all of those freshly made, rich and creamy yoghurt flavours, I tried all the flavours out, & had an opportunity to learn more about the recipes used and processes involved in the making of yoghurts from the beautiful Ehime Eigbe Akindele, the Founder of Sweet Kiwi.

At the end of the tasting, I fell in love with the Black Panther flavour (of course). It was a mixture of the Original Tart (an amazing fresh yoghurt flavour) and the T’Challa (which contained Activated Charcoal, a natural treatment used to trap and flush out toxins and chemicals in the body). Now, how’s that for medicinal cleansing while indulging your sweet tooth?!

IMG_3599_preview Fro-Yo Funday At Sweet Kiwi

Aside from the yoghurts which I can’t get over, I loved the ambience of the Sweet Kiwi space and the opportunity to meet and hang out with some amazing Bloggers and Media Reps. Remember my goal to make more friends in the Blogger community? I definitely made some progress in that department today.

Fro-Yo Funday At Sweet Kiwi

What 2018 goal(s) have you crushed or in the process of crushing? Do share in the comments section below.

Don’t forget to follow Sweet Kiwi on social media:

Instagram: @sweetkiwiyogurt

Facebook: Sweetkiwi

Twitter: @sweetkiwi

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” – Colossians 3:16


This article was first published in my previous blog and was transfered here with only minor typographic edits.

The content provided in this article is provided for information purposes only and is not to be a substitute for professional gastronomic or nutritional advice and consultation as I am not engaged in the provision or rendering of gastronomic or nutritional advice or services. You understand and agree that I will not be liable for any claim, loss, or damage arising out of the use of, or reliance upon any content or information in the article.



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