De-clutter And Rewards - Weekend Ritual

De-clutter And Rewards || Weekend Ritual

“The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.” – John Ruskin

It is ‘technically’ Valentine’s weekend (if that’s even a thing) and I’m just here, enjoying this cup of ice cream, thinking about life in general, planning my coming week, and slowly patting myself on the back as I am too tired to do a victory dance of any sort.

I have had one of those weeks where you get back home from work and it seems like the only thing you have the strength to do is get a quick shower and jump into bed. But today is the weekend, and I had time to do some other things for myself, chief of which was organizing my wardrobe (and life).

One of the best lessons 2016 taught me was that it is easier to live life when every area of your life is organized. Although I learnt it the hard way (lost some money in the process), I’m grateful for it. It has helped me free up a lot of time that I can channel into doing more productive things like grabbing a cup of ice cream as a reward for making it through the stressful week. Hahaha…

I never used to like being too organized as I loved being spontaneous. I still do, but as I get older, the demands on my time keep increasing and I appreciate every spare second I get from living an organized and de-cluttered life. I have more time to spend with family, spend by myself or with friends, work on my business, work on the blog, etc. These little things matter and I’m thankful that I’m able to do them.

I have begun doing this organizing/de-cluttering exercise weekly and I am beginning to fall more and more in love with it. Although I still don’t like the process much as I can only organise things after I have completely scattered them (it makes more sense to me that way), but the peace and calm I feel after I’m done with this exercise is magical. I am even beginning to look forward to this weekly ‘ritual. I don’t know if it’s more for the feeling I get when I’m done or for the ice cream rewards after.

Whichever one, I’m looking forward to next weekend’s session. I would love to hear what your favourite weekend rituals are. It might just be what I need to complete my weekend.
Have a lovely weekend.

– The Lady

Location: Coldstone Creamery

“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” – Romans 15:13


This article was first published in my previous blog and was transfered here with only minor typographic edits.

The content provided in this article is provided for information purposes only as a snapshot of my personal thoughts at this particular time and is not to be a substitute for professional career or life advice and consultation as I am not engaged in the provision or rendering of psychological or philosophical advice or services. You understand and agree that I will not be liable for any claim, loss, or damage arising out of the use of, or reliance upon any content or information in the article.



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